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  • 2019 Nov Class note by Z 14 year old male for class of 11/2/19
2019 Nov Class note by Z 14 year old male for class of 11/2/19

2019 Nov Class note by Z 14 year old male for class of 11/2/19

Class note by Z 14 year old male for class of 11/2/19

This week I came to class with all the Surah’s During prayer memorized in Arabic and English. We immediately started class with 2 cycles of prayer, and about 10 minutes of meditation. 

After that, we went straight into testing, While the other kids were being tested, I went over everything I had to memorize to make sure I had everything down. After a couple of other kids went, it was finally time for me to get tested. I got tested on Surah’s Al- Asr, Al- Kawthar, Al- Ikhlaas, and Surah Al- Maoon. However, I didn’t have Surah Al- Maoon memorized in either Arabic or English. I also got tested on what to say during prayer. I had the Surah’s during prayer down, but I had to work on Surah Al- Maoon. After testing, she wrote down what I had to work on in my notebook. 

After testing, we went into concepts. Since we didn’t have the main teacher, we did things a little differently. We played hang man on concept names, and then once we guessed the name right, we discussed what the concept was about.

We started off with the Jug of Oil concept, this concept is about how when we are born, there is an invisible jug of oil attached to us. The oil is very flammable and is used to burn you in hell. The concept explains that every time you do a good deed, you lose a drop of oil. This concept is used to encourage you to do as many good deeds as possible.

The next concept we went over was the Goats and Sheep concept. This concept is about how there’s a goat which is trained to lead all the sheep into the slaughter house. It explains that we should try to be a Goat (Leader) instead of a Sheep (Follower).

This time I was told to go up and explain a concept that I knew well. I chose to explain the Fast and Furious concept. This concept is about how in the movie Fast and Furious they use nitro to get ahead of other cars when they’re neck and neck. This concept explains that if you pray to god, you will have a boost on things.

We then moved on to the Pencil and Pen concept. This concept explains that some things are written in pencil and can be changed by praying to god. For example, if you pray to god you could avoid getting stung by a swarm of bees, but on the other hand, some things are written in pen and can’t be changed. For example, the time of your death.

After that, we went over the Dartboard concept. This concept is about how people who are good at darts don’t aim for the middle and miss but instead aim for easier targets to have a higher chance of getting points. It explains that we should do the same with everything in life, we should take things slowly and don’t always try to do what we can’t achieve all at once.

We then talked about the Universal Values concept. This concept explains that we should always be aware of out Universal Values. For example, you shouldn’t murder someone, you shouldn’t bully others, etc. Finally, we discussed the Bridge concept. This concept is about how a bridge is balanced so it doesn’t fall, and it explains that we should always balance things in our life, so we don’t do too much of something, or too little. 

We finally ended class with making sure we had our homework written down, and understood our homework. 

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