Concept 08 – Universal values
Notes by Student: The Universal values, such as being trustworthy, not lying, and being kind, are values everyone needs to follow, and in every community around the world, universal values are smiled upon. Usually, they’re called manners, and other times, common sense. Also, it’s called being good-natured. But they all fall under one category; the universal values. What makes them significant and makes it essential that we follow them is that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did them himself, and he’s the example for Muslims. There are also the rituals, such as praying, fasting, and reading Quran, and they go hand-in-hand with the values. Both are needed for s spot in Jannat, and while you may be the best in one, but worst in the other, you will not get into Jannat. Sometimes, the universal values are more important than rituals and vise versa. Your objective is to have an A+ in both fields, or at least try to.