Concept 13 – points for Mothers day

Concept 13 – points for Mothers day

Nothing should be taken for granted. Allah (SWT) has the power to take anything away from you at any time, whether it’s your phone, or a loved one. On Mother’s Day, we had a lesson on how anything can be taken from you, nothing should be taken for granted. It came to our attention that a lot of people, mostly kids, take their parents for granted. They don’t realize how special they are, how much they work for them, or what they do. They don’t realize how different their lives would be without a mother or father. We did an exercise in class, where we wrote letters to our moms, thanking them for everything they’ve done, which was then to be given to them. While writing, I realized how much my mother did for me, and how much I wanted to thank her. My thoughts, feelings, and appreciation could not be said by just words, but I have now realized how much my mom means to me, and I shouldn’t take her for granted. I don’t know what I would do without her, and I wouldn’t have known that if it wasn’t for the letter. I wouldn’t have realized how much she did for me, or how much she loved. I also realized that she could be taken from me at any moment, by even a mere accident, which brings me to appreciate her more, and to try not to take anything for granted.


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