Concept 05 – KNOW WHAT YOU SAY in prayers – GISLA has this an Exam Reqd
Allah Akbar: God is great. Make intentions. (What, how many for whom & where)
Subhana-kallah-hum-ma Wa Bi-Hamdika O God, Glorified, Praise worthy.
Watabarakas-muka Wata-ala Jadduka Blessed is your name is exalted is your Majesty,
Wa-la Ilaha Ghairuk There is no deity worthy of worship except you.
Au-dhu-bil-la-hi Minashaitanir Rajim: seek refuge in God from the rejected Satan
Bismilahir Rahma-nir Rahim: In the Name of God, most Gracious Most Merciful.
Al-Fatihah: Alhamdu Lil-lahi Rab-bil Alamin All Praise belongs to God, Lord of the Worlds.
Ar-rahma-nir Rahim Most Gracious Most Merciful.
Maliki You-mid-din Master of the Day of Judgement.
Iyya-ka Na-budu Wa-iyyaka Nastain You alone we worship and you alone we turn to for help.
Ihdi-nas-sia Tal Mustaqim Show us the straight path,
Sira Tal-ladhina An-amta Alaihim The path of those whom you’ve favored,
Ghayreel maghdoobi Ayahim Walad-dal-lin And not the path of those who deserve your anger, nor the part of those who went astray.
Bismilahir Rahma-nir Rahim: In the Name of God, Most Gracious Most Merciful.
Allahu Akbar: God is great. Subhana Rab-bi-yal Azim: Glory be to my Lord the most great.
Sami Allah Liman Hamidah: God listens to all who praise Him.
Rab-bana Lakal Hamd: Oh Lord Our Lord: All Praise is for you only.
Allahu Akbar: God is great. Subhana Rab-bi-yal Aala: Glory to my Lord, the most high. Allahu Akbar: God is great.
Tashahhud: At-tahi-yatu Lil-lahi Was-salawatu Wat-tay-yibatu
All prayers and worship through words, action, and sanctity are for you God only.
As-salamu Alaika Ay-yuhan-nabiy-yu Peace be on you O Prophet,
Warahmatul-lahi Wabarakatuh with all of Gods Mercy and His blessings.
As-salamu Alaina Waala Ibadil Peace be on all of us who are the righteous servants of God.
Ash-Hadj Al-la Ilaha Il-lal-lahu I bear witness to the fact that there is no deity but GOD and
Wa-ash-hadu An-na Muhammadan Abduhu Warasuluh I bear witness that Muhammad is God slave and messenger.
Darud Ibraheemi: Al-lahum-ma Sal-li Ala Muhammad-iw Wa Ala Ali Muhammadin
O God, exalt Muhammad his family and his followers,
Kama Sala-laita Ala Ibrahima Wa Ala Ali Ibrahima As you did exalt Ibrahim and his family and followers.
In-naka Hamidum-majeed Indeed You are the most praised, the Most Glorious.
Al-lahum-ma Barik Ala Muhammad-iw Wa Ala Ali Muhammadin…: O God, bless Muhammad and his family and his followers,
Kamabarakta Ala Ibrahima Wa Ala Ali Ibrahima As you did bless Ibrahim and his family and followers.
In-naka Hamidum-majeed You are the most praised, the most Glorious.
Rab-bij-alni Muqimas-salati Wamin Dhur-riy-yait
O Lord! Make me and my children steadfast in prayer,
Rab-baan Wataqab-bal Dua Rab-bigh Firli
Our Lord! Accept this prayer, Our Lord! Forgive me,
Wa Liwaliday-ya Walil-muminina Yauma Yaqum-ul Hisab
And my parents and the believers on the Day of Judgement.
Allahumag firli wali waalidaya.
Oh Good, Please forgive me, Forgive my parents,
Forgive my teachers
forgive all believing men and women
and forgive all obedient men and women.
You are the most Merciful of all who show Mercy
As-salamu Alaikum Wa-rahmatul-lah Wa Barakatug=hu: Peace be on you with all of Gods Mercy and blessings.
SURAH’S: Al- Asr: Wal-Asri By time,
Innal-Insaana Lafii Khusrin Indeed, mankind is in loss,
Illallaziina Aamanu Except for those who have believed
Wa-amilus-saalihaati and done righteous deeds
Wa Tawaasaw Bil-haqqi and advised each other to truth
Wa Tawaasaw Bis-sabr and advised each other to patience.
Al- Kawthar: Inna A-Taynaakal-kawsar Indeed, we have granted the fount of abundance.
Fa-salli Li-rabbika Wanhar So pray to your Lord and sacrifice to Him alone.
Inna Sahnni-aka Huwal-abtar
For he who doesn’t, will be cut off from future hope.
Al- Ikhlaas: Qui Hu-wallaahu Ahad Say: Allah is the one and only God.
Allaahus-samad Allah, upon whom all depend.
Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yuulad He doesn’t have children nor is he a child.
Salam Yakul-la-huu Kufuwan-ahad And there is none like Him.
Al- Falaq: Qui A-uuzu Bi-rabbil-falaq Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the Dawn,
Min-Sherri Maa Khalaq From the evil of which He created,
Wa Min-sharri Ghaasiqin-izaa Waqab And from the evil of darkness as it overspreads,
Wa Min-sharrin-naffaa-sati Fil-uqadi And from the evil of those who practice secret arts,
Wa Min-sharri Hassidin-izaa Hasad And from the evil of an envier when he envies.
Al- Naas: Qui A-uuzu Bi Rabbin-naas Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Mankind,
Malikin-naas The King (Ruler) of Mankind,
Ilaahin-naas The God (Judge) of Mankind,
Min-sharril-waswaasil-khan-naas From of the evil of the retreating whisperer,
Allazii Yuwas-wisu Fii Suduuin-naasi Who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,
Minal-jinnati Wan-naas Among Jinns and among Men.