Concept 12 – your smart phone needs a connection and battery just as your link with GOD does and Samsung watch

Concept 12 – your smart phone needs a connection and battery just as your link with GOD does and Samsung watch

The next concept is the cell-phone concept.

Theoretically, whenever you pray, you are making a phone call to Allah (SWT). The more you pray, the stronger your connection is with Allah (SWT).

When you start decreasing the amount of times you pray, you start losing connection. It gets worse & worse until you start up again, praying daily. Your objective is to have a strong connection with Allah (SWT) by the time you die.

This concept is similar to the gift concept, where every time you pray, you get a gift from Allah (SWT) & if you miss a prayer, you miss a gift.

The Samsung watch concept is referring to the Day of Judgment, when you count up your good & bad deeds. You will have a small watch, in this concept called the Samsung watch, which will calculate all your good & bad deeds. It will also show you who you lost good deeds to and who or what earned you good deeds.

For example, if you lied to your teacher about doing your project, and never told her the truth, you would have gained a bad deed. One bad deed is enough to be the difference between Heaven & Hell. You could be looking for your teacher on the Day of Judgment among all those people, but she could have walked right past you and you wouldn’t know. Lesson is, firstly try not to do bad deeds, but if it happens, try to make it right ASAP, because you never know where the person is going to be the next day.

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